Our Examinations
The overall aim of the Institute’s examination is to provide Members with the professional knowledge, skills, and understanding required to undertake, after sufficient experience, a position as an expert in Business Development.
The Objectives of the Examinations
The examinations will be set to test the ability of candidates to carry out the following.
- Recall facts, terms and definitions
- Demonstrate understanding of the syllabus content
- Apply the principles learnt to solve problems
- Analyse facts and use them to make decisions
- Draw conclusions from information provided
- Communicate effectively in writing
The Form of the Examinations
Each Subject syllabus will be examined. The syllabuses are arranged broadly in increasing order of difficulty and the later Subjects will be fully dependent upon a working knowledge of the earlier Subjects. Candidates are therefore strongly recommended to attempt the Subjects in alphabetical order.
Entry for the examinations is separate and distinct from registration as a Student or enrollment for a tuition course.
Examination Entry Forms
The examination entry form is changed each session so you must ensure that your examination entry is made on the correct examination entry form. The forms will be sent to all registered Students. You are advised to complete the examination entry form and return it to the Institute together with the appropriate fee by return of post (unless the entry is dependent on results still to be issued).
All examination entry forms will be acknowledged. Students are advised to check their acknowledgements carefully.
Examination Permits
An admission permit and instructions to candidates are sent two weeks before the examinations take place.
Examination Centres
Examination centres will be communicated to students in advance to ensure that they have ample time to plan ahead of the examinations.
Publication of Results
Results are dispatched to candidates as soon as they are available. The Institute reserves the right to publish examination results whether successes or failures. The Institute will not communicate results to a candidate’s employer. Results will not be issued to any candidate who fails to pay his/her annual subscription.
The Institute’s examination holds three times a year, March, July, and November. The entry form is seasonal
The Institute introduced the Certificate program to enable people with lesser experience and qualifications have the opportunity of becoming Business Development Professionals.
The details are as follows:
IBD Foundation: Certificate Level:
AWARD: Certificate in Business Development (IBD Cert. BD)
- Fundamentals of Business Development
- Fundamentals of Business Economics
- Fundamentals of QT and MIS
- Fundamentals of Finance and Legal Matters in Business
Registration: To undertake the foundation examination it is necessary first to complete Student registration.
Eligibility: The Institute wishes to ensure that those who begin their studies are capable of passing the examinations, for this reason, all applicants in this foundation stage must meet requirement A and one of the options in requirement B below:
A. The minimum age for Student Registration is 18 years at the closing date for Registration (or such less age as may be agreed by Council).
B. The following alternatives are the minimum educational requirements for entry to Studentship:
- GCE/WASC/SSCE or equivalent with Credit in five subjects. The five credits must include English Language and Mathematics or
- Graduates i.e. holders of bachelor’s or higher degrees in any field of study.
Professional One: Operational Level
AWARD: Diploma in Business Development (Dip in BD)
- Business Planning and Control
- Business Analysis and Reporting
- Business Development Pipeline
- Business Development Financials
Professional Two: Management Level
AWARD: Advanced Diploma in Business Development (Adv Dip BD)
- Business Performance Management
- Market Enterprises Management
- Business Process Management
- Finance and Organizational Management
Professional three: Strategic Level
AWARD: Membership of the Institute of Business Development and ABDI as well as CBDSP designation.
- Strategic Business Management
- Business Risk Management
- Marketing Strategy
- Financial Strategy
- Case Study Project
Exemptions & Waivers
The Institute is prepared to consider granting exemption in respect of professional qualifications or in the case of an examination which overlaps considerably with one or more of the Institute’s examinations. An exemption list and application form are available from the institute. If you are applying for exemption in respect of one of the qualifications listed on the exemption list, you should submit the appropriate fees at the time of application
Once you have registered as a Student of the Institute you will need to decide on the way in which you are going to study for the examinations. The following paragraphs give details of the aids to study and the forms of study support available to you. You are advised to begin studying as soon as you have registered. The purchase of tuition material does NOT constitute an examination entry.
Tuition Manuals
The Institute publishes materials for each examination subject. Students have option to obtain materials or source their own materials. Further details are available from the Institute
Revision Courses
The Institute holds revision courses at designated centres shortly before the examinations. Full details of the courses and application forms to be obtained from the Institute.
Other Sources of Help
Once you have decided on the form of study that you are to use you should also remember that other help is available to you:
It is surprising how often colleagues are able to assist when you are having difficulty understanding a particular section in the syllabus. Do not forget to make use of their expertise.
The Institute’s Newsletter
The newsletter contains Institute news, examination and study information, general BD’s related information, and appointments advertising. This publication is sent to Members as soon as it is published. You should read it to ensure that you are aware of current developments.
Reduced Rate Publications
All students are encouraged to read as widely as possible in order to improve their knowledge of current BD’s issues. Special reduced rates are available for Students for The Financial Times, IBD Business Review-Journal.
Conferences and Seminars
The Institute holds Workshops and conferences at which topical subjects are spoken and discussed. Students may attend the events at a reduced fee. Details of Conferences and Seminars are sent to all Members in the newsletter and can be found on the Institute’s website.
Study Material
We provide examination materials on all subjects we offer. Reach out to us to gain access.